App-ily Procrastinating



If gravity is the force that keeps your feet firm on the ground, then procrastination is the force that keeps you from doing anything and everything other than the task at hand.

At the beginning of every week, I would decide to do at least three blog posts (one for the blog and two just to be ahead of time) along with a list of other tasks.

The beginning of the week is spent on research – extensive research about everything under the sun except the topics in question.

The middle half finds me locked in tasks like attempting complex postures under the guidance of a yoga instructor on YouTube, whose hands and feet are extraordinarily elastic, leaving mine as mere unmovable extensions of my body; an hour of breathing exercises to clear my mind as I reminisce on my many plans to make the world a better place, that in turn drives me into watching loops of inspirational videos that begin with real ‘inspirational gurus’ and end up with stand-up comedians .

The end of the week finds me looking at everything in a new light – one that I hope can magically twist itself into an interesting topic to blog about.

I look at fussy Little Princess chew on every morsel of food 78 times and wonder if it is my cooking abilities I must work on or improving my pathetic time management abilities.

Ah! that is when I turn to the modern miracle – an app – the instant life saver, your aspirin, Neosporin, doctor, weight watcher, tracker and so much more rolled into one.

And Google (as always) has just more than one that will rescue me out of my procrastination ways.

The Yelling Mom ‘yells’ a tune of your choice from an array of obnoxious alerts reminding you of scheduled tasks.

Finish combats procrastination by sorting scheduled tasks into short-term, mid-term and long-term due dates.

Procraster app uses prompts and short-term rewards to help tackle tasks one at a time.

So, now I have not one, but three ‘anti-procrastination’ apps on my phone waiting for me to update the list of tasks to be accomplished.

I know I need do that NOW.  Or at least today. Okay, may be tomorrow.

Wait, a detailed in-depth research on how to go about doing it would be a great start or perhaps another app, that will kick a start to my anti-procrastination one.

Dear friends, wishing you all a wonderful Sunday and a happy week ahead. For all you procrastinators out there, I hope these apps will help make your life more productive ( I don’t get paid for advertising those) but just in case you are already using it, I hope you feel better that there is one more addition to the ever-growing procrastination club.

49 responses »

  1. Haha I can relate to so much of this post. I’m a long term member of the procrastination club! 😁 Nothing makes you more productive than the approaching deadline! Those are great apps. My life needs them, I think! 😂 Appsnu enne nannakki edukkan pattumo ennathu doubt aa but I’ll give it a try! 😂😁 Sometimes I also start watching inspirational videos only to find myself ending up watching stand-up comedians. Kenny Sebastian is my favourite! 😁 Hope you had a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my God, mine too. I watch a lot of Kenny Sebastian. But I have a lot of favorites there, since a lot of time is ‘productively’ spent on that front.
      I have spent the morning dreaming of myself becoming that super-productive human with extraordinary powers to keep no surprises with intense planning with these apps, pakshe ithuvare dreaming phase illanne annu to, so don’to worry we will work together, either procrastinating or app-ing.

      Liked by 1 person

      • He’s awesome, right! Oh yes I’ve spent a lot of time on that front too. Njanum divassavum vicharikkum nannavam ennu but like an ideal procrastinator, I end up procrastinating it! 😂😂😂 Oh yes, moonum poyi install cheyyatte. Enghanum work out aayal kollamallo! 😁

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yes he is! He is cute too 😉 can’t deny that.
        Athey may be moon nannavum but still his mother will be procrastinating that one too!
        Book enzhane poogunnu? Congratulations! You deserve a big big hi fi for that. Hard copy undo? Athu enzhaneya publish chaithathu?


  2. I forgot to mention this in the earlier comment but have you tried using prompts to write a new blog post. The Daily Post publishes a writing prompt everyday. It’s nothing but a word. (Yesterday’s ​prompt was ‘imaginary’) Pandu I used to struggle to write at least one blog post every month but these prompts make the writing process so much easier. Maybe it’ll work out for you too! If one prompt doesn’t inspire you, you can look for another. They’ve been publishing prompts every day for so many years. So there are so many to choose from!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for that idea, Shweta. Yes, seen it but not really given it a thought for you see I have zillion ideas that just float around me but the problem comes when putting it all into words, not to mention the zillion and one distractions!
      But this one is definitely worth a try.
      You too have a lovely weekend, Shweta. Evide week start aayi, in this part of the world the work week kicks off on a Sunday.

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      • That depends on your job, but very few have a 6-day work week. Ippol Ramadan aaya kaaranum, all of them work only 6 hours, even non-Muslims. Pakshe athilum aalugal undu who work the whole day, like a usual working day, entirely based on the work demands.


  3. I always have such high hope that my weekly blog posts will be written in advance (I like the look of my piece in longhand before typing!) but find the morning of, I’m scrambling. What is helping these days is taking a quiet moment here and there to write down my thoughts. Your posts always make me smile and now I can imagine all those apps pinging away…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I understand that procrastination is a problem that we all undergo at some point in time. Some make it a habit and others can manage that with ease. Every Sunday, while the world sleeps, I am up even when moon is high in the sky wondering what I did all week. I hope these apps will come in handy or Google has a million and one tips to improve your productivity.
      So glad to have you read and leave a feed back, Kim, always gives a flood of happiness that my efforts are worthwhile. Thank you for your kind words.
      Have a wonderful Sunday.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I use a piece of paper or the blue notebook that I have at work to hit down To do things on the personal front and there is some sort of satisfaction when you tick them off as Mr. Bean does in his comedy shows ..

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Leaving the P Club already??? Hahaha, takes at least 3 apps on your part, I wonder how many would I need to have in order to break free from “it”! 😅
    Thanks for the tips though.
    I must say you’re getting techy on your advices now, haha. Nice one Pranitha.
    Missed reading you 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha… I am here with my apps still waiting to kick start and me here beginning my week still hoping for 3 blog posts.. 😂😂😂so overall nothing has changed. My phone is filled with apps but all in hibernation.
      So did you have a grand Anniversary celebration Andrew… such a sweet message it was

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hahaha, at least you already have the apps on standby just in case you’ve finally decided to take action 😂😂😂
        Anniversary was truly a memorable one. ‘Twas terrific. Thanks for asking and for the warm greetings on the ocassion Pranitha ☺


  6. I’m not purposely a procrastinator, but it happens. Especially when it’s Friday and I plan to publish a post, only to realize I have yet to even figure out what exactly it is I’m going to be writing about. 😝

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  7. Hahahaha, I’m retired! There’s no schedule for me! If I get thing done, done. If I don’t, didn’t. But I told myself, “Take it easy, you still have chemo side effect to deal with.” So I gave permission to myself to have a flexible schedule!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I loved this one Pranita. Aajkal, apps ka zamana hI..toh, why not?
    Well, i’m kind of in between..when I go behind something I do it, else I take my time..
    Well written, I could very much relate to this one..


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