Dear Mother…With Love




You toiled hard as you carried me in your womb,

You refused to let your growing tummy, the swollen feet, your tired body mar the dreams you harbored for the life inside you.

You cried, you smiled, you laughed and you rejoiced when you first looked down at me,

You sent a silent prayer, you made a promise of love, the hours of pain forgotten.

Oh, Mother! Can you be a girl again?


You worried when I cried, you smiled when I cooed,

You sat awake all night admiring my sleeping form.

You tensed with anxiety during my feverish spells,

You cherished every giggle, your aspirations forgotten.

Oh, Mother! Can you be a girl again?


You watched patiently during my every tantrum,

You lent a hand whenever I fell.

Your heart skipped a beat as I stood up on my feet, you applauded after my first words,

You adored, you treasured my childhood antics, your every dream forgotten.

Oh, Mother! Can you be a girl again?


You laughed at all my silliness,

You gave me a piece of your mind when I steered off the road.

You held me firm when I stumbled,

You soothed, protected, consoled and uplifted my spirits when misery did touch, your own worries forgotten.

Oh, Mother! Can you be a girl again?


You let me dream, you let me fly

You were the wind beneath my wings.

You let me cry, you let me scream, you let me fight, you let me learn, you let me grow,

You were the light that drew me out of my dark tunnel, your every dream forgotten.

Oh, Mother! Can you be a girl again?


Now I live far away, but our love remains,

A mother myself, you don’t escape my thoughts.

I crave your warmth, your mouthwatering delicacies, your soothing words but I still wonder,

Oh, Mother! What about your own dreams?

Your body has weakened, but your spirits are alive

Can I help you fulfill your forgotten dreams?

Oh, Mother! Can you be a girl again?

– Pranitha Menon


“Motherhood is another name of devotion” – Mahabharata

This poem is a dedication to my mother, your mother and every woman who has been blessed to be a Mother.






23 responses »

    • Congratulations, Nandini. It is the most blissful time of your life, a difficult time to cope, but in a while, all the ‘coping difficulties’ fade and only the happiness remains as memories. I am glad that my little tribute to my mother got you another happy moment. Enjoy :)))

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