Beyond The Game



Erin Martucci could feel her body relaxing at the sight of the serene landscape. The gushing waterfall is music to her ears. And just as she begins to lose herself amongst nature’s bounty, her gynecologist pulls her headset off, dragging her back to the ‘real’ confines of the hospital room with doctors preparing for the birth of her first child.

Muhammad is Acrophobic (fear for heights). His pulse races, his heart thuds against his chest, he clutches on to his sides as the realization that the world is dropping below his feet hits him. His head begins to swim, his vision blurs and the familiar feeling of nausea sets in. He pulls out his headgear and is relieved to find himself back into the safe confines of his living room.

Marlene feels a sense of doom as she is thrown out from her home onto the streets and then herded like cattle amongst helpless people into an unknown journey that seems harrowing and hopeless – the exact feeling that Elise Ogle, manager of Homeless projects, want his volunteers to feel – to empathize and change the way people think and act about the homeless.

From distracting women in labor without epidurals to conquering the worst fears- Virtual Reality is beyond gaming as it finds a strong foothold in the ‘real’ world. Be it the #BeFearless Project, Project Homeless or Google’s Expedition program – a journey that spans from  Great Barrier Reef all the way to Mars – a feel of a virtually real experience is just a headset away!

I wonder if VR will find its use in the judicial system where rapists can be sentenced to a virtual session of being raped?

VR could come in handy for some political superpowers to experience what it feels like to be an audience to their hilarious debates, atrocious speeches, and impromptu decisions – or better still -getting to be a virtual citizen of the country that is ruled by them!

What do you think?

20 responses »

  1. I think it was 1993 the first time I experienced a VR game. It was bizarre. Today, the technology is such that it is more realistic and effective to the brain. I believe in the ‘right’ hands, it can be useful therapy and a useful tool for teaching and correcting. It is already in some ‘wrong’ hands and taking a wayward turn, so there are concerns in that arena of what it will do people. Either way, it won’t be long until VR is as common as having a cell phone. My first cell phone was in 1997 and it was clunky. Not many people had them yet. Not many people believed there would come a time when lives revolved around them. As someone with PTSD, though, I cannot help but wonder if VR technology can be used with EMDR therapy at some point to further the healing of those neural pathways of the brain. The brain is an amazing organ, full of complexities and mysteries.

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