Picture Perfect!


class_of_2010_by_peccadillos-d35g4alSid had his annual session of the class photograph the week before school closed for December vacation.  My insistence on him looking his impeccable best along with dropping in a few tips on getting his hair and smile just right was met with strange annoying glances.

I am well aware that the photo-shopped pictures are only going to turn out to be more than perfect unlike those of the yesteryears.

My first Kindergarten class photograph has a part of my face gingerly peeking from behind one of my classmate.  I assume the photographers felt that amongst the many photographs taken, it was better to choose one that had just one kid ‘out of place’.

Then there was the primary school photograph where I was all teeth with a shock of hair that looked like looked like my mother had given me a haircut using gardening shears and some helpful rats. To this date, the only gratification when I see the picture is the equally awkward toothless smiles of my friends on either side of me, a few who look like they had just seen a ghost and the others who stood with their eyes half closed.

The middle school photograph shows me wearing braces with an awkward smile that made it appear like Mr. Tata would be thrilled to have me as a brand ambassador for his steel company.

I still remember my apprehensions before my graduation photo was taken. I was at my elegant best and gave my best smile as I proudly stood flanked by my parents on either side of me. When the photograph arrived I realized that father had chosen that very moment to blink.

Now, how could I explain my apprehensions to my son?

I suppose it is easier to let him be so that the photographs will provide a hilarious topic of discussion in his adult years and will be reason enough to bring a smile on his face on reminiscing a beautiful part of his life called childhood!

What are your photo stories?

Let  me know!

29 responses »

    • Thank you, Deepika. Glad I made you smile. Yes, I remember those ‘on the spot’ photo for my voters ID that I still carry and my looks are somewhere between me looking like I would on a morning after a sleepless and nightmarish night and one with intense pain, making me wonder, y bother at all with a photo.

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  1. well written. You took me back to those days of standing on benches, grimacing before the hot sun shining harshly on my face, adding to the awkwardness of a face already in disarray, thanks to the disheveled hair and missing teeth!But, there was a lot of innocence these days, than these times. thee was absolutely no make-believe.

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  2. This made me laugh! 😂
    Just the other day I showed one of my 2nd std pic to my son and he couldn’t even find me. When I got offended, he said meekly, ‘I didn’t see you when you were small. How will I know?’ *rolling eyes*
    To be honest I never spoilt the photos. I always looked in the camera. It was the awkward smile that makes me go into hiding. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wonderful hearing about your childhood. Memories of yesteryear. Photos are a great way to reminisce. Most of my childhood photos and schoolwork were burned in a house fire. You are right to let you son enjoy his. The poignant smiles and memories when he grows up – well, that is just perfect! Great post. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Nancy. Nothing like those beautiful moments of all the silliness and fun of childhood captured and forever frozen in time. Sorry to hear about the house fire that you had once mentioned in your blog, but even with all those pictures gone I am sure you have every memory vivid in your mind’s eye. Cameras were not a common sight in my days and not every moment was captured but the memory of most of my fun, sad, happy moments play every now and then in my mind’s eye.

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