The Bookworm Catalogue



In our home, we share a common interest for books, just in our own special ways.

Sid’s love for the written word blossomed with Julia Donaldson’s books with Tinkle, Magic Pot and Enid Blyton in tow. Having experimented with the extensive collection that his school library boasted of, he has recognized his love for fact finders – Magic Tree House being his current favorite.

Many lazy, cozy holiday afternoons found us huddled on the couch as I read to him the many adventures of Tom Sawyer, Robin Hood and very recently Edith Nesbit’s – Railway Children.

Little Princess is a bookworm – literally.

Sid’s book collection has dwindled since she has traversed onto the ‘road to discovery’ and now, the ‘ripping’ phase of toddlerhood.  She takes to loving her (mostly her brother’s) books to bits!

As of this week, she prides on her very own (rightfully her brother’s ) Britannica’s Early Discovery which has surprisingly stood (an entire week) the test of her creativity with just doodles (Phew)!

The husband makes it a point to pick up a book from the airport that serves as his in-flight companion during business trips. It is ironic that he prefers to talk about the in-flight movies he watched rather than his new book when he gets back. As for the book, it just adds to the many others stacked on the bookshelf.

I will defer from saying that I have caught him more than once snoring within minutes of him going into an ‘I am reading’ mode, for it can offend him. 😉

As for me, I just found out that Google categorized my obsessive-compulsion to constantly read and hoard books as a disorder called ‘Bibliomania’.

Well, Google is yet to update another symptom to this disorder– the books that I hoard, I simply will NOT share!


26 responses »

  1. Same pinch Pranitha ! Our family too shares the love for books. My son has been a voracious reader since he was a toddler. He would devour anything with printed matter on it ;). My daughter’s love for books blossomed late but now with a book, she gets lost in it, totally oblivious to my calls ;).
    I guess the habit of reading and books are the best gifts you can bestow you kids with.
    I have lost count about the number of books I have donated for lack of space at home to stack them.
    Continue to invest time on reading to your kids. They never let you down 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sure, Radhika 😉 So agree that the gift of reading is our best gift to our children. So glad you feel the same. Just waiting for my little one too to find her interest in the reading part of books too! Actually, I have too many books and am a big, big miser when it comes to sharing that. I should take your advice and maybe donate some so as to give another person a chance to read. Thank you for that lovely thought, Radhika! Will work on that one.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh my, I love books and bibliomania is an ideal title for book lovers and hoarders, to be specific. It’s a delight to walk into a room filled with books and inhale their specific scent, which carries a million stories and dreams ready to be devoured. Ah the joys are many to mention.
    Thank you for a lively read.


  3. I’m drawn to reading material of all kinds and hoard books often! Last year on Christmas Eve day as I was wandering through my community centre, I found myself perusing the free newspaper shelves and noticed a lovely soft-cover book tucked behind a few of the issues. It turned out to be a gift from the author! It had just been published and she had carefully taped a note inside the cover congratulating the unseen reader on finding her gift. To this day, it sits on a low shelf by my bedside, happily hoarded! Your lovely post brought back this exquisite moment for me…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is beautiful… I remember the time when I started reading books. It is a magical experience indeed!!! Books takes you to an all new world . It gives wings to your imagination and flight to your ideas…. Moreover, it has an exceptionally marvellous SOOTHING effect.
    Thank u for sharing this.


  5. Books provide us with such a beautiful experience. I got the love of reading from my grandfather and I hope that love would be passed on my future generation. There’s nothing like it.
    Thanks for a wonderful post!!


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